Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mollie #30 and #31 - Angol, Chile - Weaving, A crying phone call, Be a light to all

                                                          May 20
   Hey All,

          No time this week. Just a quick note.  'Telar' is the verb to weave - I think. The word for web like spider web is ' tela' - so take it as you will. 

  This Pday I should be learning how to finish this. This is a basic weave to make squares. After you make the squares you have to crotchet them together to make a poncho. I wanted to learn. So, I asked a less active member who naturally had a friend who could teach me. It has been what I do at night while we do daily planning. My companion is great and very obedient!  

           This is a scripture I like to share with people, especially after I have been fed. It is about food x). It is in 3 Ne 20:8 

     And he said unto them: He that eateth this bread eateth of amy body to his soul; and he that drinketh of this wine drinketh of my blood to his soul; and his soul shall never hunger nor thirst, but shall be filled.
     Our bodies need regular maintenance. It must be fed and watered and exercised in order to feel good. Our spirits also have needs. It must be fed and exercised, too. What person has not felt what we often call" mentally tired or weighed down" by life? The is the state when our spirit is worn out. So how can we feed our spirit? We need to be proactive and look for ways, such as prayer, scriptures, or music.  

Sorry I'm short on time.
                                     May 27
Hey all,

    Lot´s of funny stuff happened this week the problem is they are so much better as comics, and I can´t explain well enough. For example teaching the word of wisdom in a bar. :O

      My sector is crazy as always, lots going on. One thing that really impresses me in this ward is the youth. A lot of them come to church on their own. Without their parents, they take themselves to church and then learn together. The youth are a very tight knit group. They are able to recognize that they are the church. That one individual person can be all the difference needed.

    My companion and I are looking for service activities in the area. We are swinging by the municipal today to see if they have any ideas for us. If not, we will be singing for one of the retirement homes here.

    It started raining  - ahhhh...  :) The streets here in Angol are flooded. I am glad I have my rainboots, because some roads are really like small rivers, where you have to hike up you skirt and waddle your way through to the other side.  My rain coat has been wonderful, so thank you Bowman!  :) 

My companion, Hermana Nelson, and I are getting along well!
I actually have a lot of people to thank.

    I got Bowman´s package the other day ~ sticky notes and Fig Newtons, socks, and mascara. All things I need that are better in the US. I was just starting to run short on mascara, and it is 3-4x more expensive here. 

Father, thank you for my letter even if you sent it to everyone else. It is still my letter, and I am claiming it as such.

Mich, your letter rocked! Just keep sending me an email every once in a while. I know life is crazy for you. I loved hearing about your new home. 

¡Happy Birthday o Feliz Cumpleaños ...on the 31 :)   

    Jake, can you collect some of my flowers for her on her birthday? BTW, thanks for your letter! Email me if you don´t have time for DearElder. I´ll just photograph my emails if I don´t have time to read them all. Also, see if you can do splits one day with the missionaries. It will be interesting for you if nothing more. You probably have to ask to find our missionaries.

     One thing that got me all twisted inside this week was when one of the members called me on the phone crying. All she needed was a little support and all was fine. What bothered me was that she had to call me. 
      She is a inactive member. I had only ever visited her 5-6 times. There is no one in the ward that she felt she could call. She has no friends nearby or other people she could talk to that she trusted more than a random missionary that swung by every once in awhile. 

   In Chile, it is common to not know your neighbors. To me this is unacceptable. People are a lot better then you think they are, and everyone at some point needs support!
 I know that there are a lot of people in the world that are good and beautiful people. They have been given many gifts and talents. They trust in God and trust in themselves and in their family and in nothing more ...they never leave their house.

     We all need light. Some more than others.

Often, it is those people just outside our tight circle that need us the most.
     It is good to be a good person, but it is very sad to only do so in your own house or within your own circle of friends.

 The people who only do this are those that hide their light under a bushel and don't let it shine forth to give light and warmth to the rest of the house.

Be a light to all, not only to your friends and family.

     Packages can be sent whenever, but I know those envelope things come faster.

     Ummm.. In my next email can you give me a good muffin recipe basic and adaptable. Ask Michele.
     Ohhh and Bowman's Tortilla chip casserole ask her about it.

Goodbye! From both of us.

                             Smiles. Sunrisas... like sunrise

                             Lots of Love,

                                     Hermana Bowman