Riley #30 - Lomita, CA - Digital Recorder, New people, Good/Bad Talks
August 12, 2013
Dear Family,
Thanks for the emails. Michele's blog post was excellent, and I loved seeing the photos from Mollie. A 17 year old ward mission leader? Wow. Sounds like an eventful week.
The recorder has already proven useful a few times. Right now, the main use it has seen is in appointments with other people. Oftentimes there is a lot said that I don't understand, so recording and then reviewing the conversation helps me isolate the words and phrases I don't know.
The bridge in the picture is over by Long Beach. I took it up in Palos Verdes when we were visiting a few places. Actually, the local missionaries helped out with a race which takes place on the bridge on Labor Day weekend. It is a fairly huge event as people actually get to run on the bridge from what I've heard.
Yesterday was really busy. We had a lot of nonmembers at church. We had ten total and actually had more nonmembers than members when church started, because most of the Branch members were late.
It was quite exciting. Elder Bergeson and I also gave talks in Sacrament meeting. It was in Chinese, of course, and the first Chinese talk I had given. I am not really sure how much of what I said made sense, but they all of course said I did well. And told me to speak up. I was worried about it all last week so it was good to finish it.
I also had another talk to give in the single's ward of the stake north of ours. It was one of those touring talks that we had planned. That one did not go that well. In fact, I would rather not think about it.
Fortunately, the day turned out great. We had dinner at the Chen's house in the evening. Their whole family was there. The Chen's are a couple who are in our Branch. They have five children, all married, two of which are in the branch as well. All five were there with their children last night so it was a crazy, but fun evening. We had a chance to talk with some of them about their missions and compare the differences.
Transfers are coming up the week after this one and promise some changes. We found out we actually have 2 new Chinese missionaries coming in. I have given up trying to guess what is going to happen as the situation seems to change every few days. In any case, I think it is probable that I will end up moving somewhere. From the sound of it, some other changes will be taking place as President Weidman starts his second transfer here.
There isn't too much more going on here that I want to go into right now, but just know that everything is going well. I am excited to see how things progress here.
Elder Bowman