Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mollie #9 - New Friendships & Goodbyes, A Smashed Finger, and Forgiveness

 (Click to Enlarge Photos)
                                     January 29, 2013

Dear Family,

     So, the fire alarm didn't go off this morning, but it went off in the cafeteria this week. Maybe they are beginning to figure it out.

     Bowman & Pops thanks so much for the Fig Newtons and the sewing kit. I used the sewing kit to make a headband. I made it out of scraps from the give away box.  I included a picture of it in here.

 Some of the elders left this week. We miss them. I think a mark of a good missionary is "to be missed."  My companion, Hermana Ferrel, and I had invested in them. We have had a good relationship with them. Elders Woodbury and Slavens crack me up. It's hard saying goodbye so soon.

     One way we helped each other was through all of us working on a musical piece together. I really didn't do much.

 Hermana Ferrel played the piano, and the two elders sang "Savior Redeemer of my Soul". I helped them through critiquing them - such as with timing issues, hitting shaky notes, harmony issues, dynamics, etc... They had never sang to anything but their "shower head." The competition was fierce (I mean there are about 3,000 mission worthy Mormons here), and we didn't make it the first week. (It still needed some work - they had forgot some of the lyrics). But, we made it the second week, and they got to sing at a farewell devotional to about 350 people.
  It was really fantastic. The new president here at the MTC really liked it. He invited us to sit at the very front during the Sunday afternoon devotional. That was pretty neat. I mean the stadium seats thousands of people, and I could not have been closer to the speakers. I sat next to an elder that had just turned up at the MTC that day. He was supposed to have come on Wednesday, but he had broken both of his knees playing rugby! He had a temporary cane and a hospital wristband still on.

   I will try to do better with focusing the pictures, but it is kind of difficult for me. I'm sending one of my area in my room.

     Speaking of pictures, I have sent you more than you have sent me! I would like pictures from the cousins visiting and of my Madeleine.
     (Random fact: I have been humming/singing Adele songs here when I think of her...)

 Another good thing to send me would be bread. I have been longing for good bread but, well, that is up to you.

     I don't know what to send Riley for his birthday. Maybe you could send him a cake in a box.

     Random thing that happened this week is that I smashed my finger black- I was vacuuming. Anyways, the vacuum cord got caught in the door, and by some happenstance I smashed my finger. I went to the doctor and he drilled it to relieve the pressure. (I really didn't want to lose another nail again so soon.)

It was very exciting this week - Elder Holland came to speak to us!  When he gets up there on the podium and shakes his finger at you staring you down... you listen. He told us that we need to be obedient. And, to have the gospel in our soul so strong that you astonish people. He said more, but I don't have time.

One spiritual thought I was told this week was what to do when you have a difficult time forgiving someone. Imagine Christ holding your hand and asking you "was my sacrifice not good enough...was my life and death not enough for you to forgive."

Another thought I had was a thought about what a gift it is to come to earth. I mean before earth we lived with God as spirits. We were simply spirits not understanding - knowing nothing but God, knowing nothing but good. But here on earth we have an opportunity to act, to become more than something that is acted upon. In this way, we progress. We have the ability to influence, act, and change things, becoming more like God. We get to choose good and God for ourselves. What a great gift!

Lots of love to everyone,

  Hermana Mollie Bowman