Sunday, February 3, 2013

Mollie #12: Comics and Spiritual Thought on Repentance

                                            February 22, 2013
First, a couple of comics...

This really happens...
(Click to Enlarge)

(Click to Enlarge)

Now for a Spiritual Thought...I've been thinking of Repentance.

    My purpose in my mission is NOT to teach, it is to INVITE others to come unto Christ and help them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ, and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.

  No one is perfect. I mean,we all fall or fall short at times. We become weighed down and bound by our wrong actions. There is only one way to freedom, progress, and way to learn, accept, move on, and become more after we sin. It is the call of all prophets - seen throughout the Bible and Book of Mormon.

    Repent. Come unto me and repent. 

Christ remembers each of us. We must learn to choose the good feelings of our spirits. Choose to reject guilt, sin, and the negative influences of the world. Christ died for you and me, individually.

 Alma 42:29 And now my son, I desire that ye should let these things trouble you no more, and only let your sins trouble you with that trouble which shall bring you down unto repentance.

Moroni 10:32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind, and strength, then is His grace sufficient for you, that by His grace ye may be perfect in Christ; if by the grace of God, ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

I believe there exists good and evil in this world. I know that we have the power to choose which we want to be. I sincerely believe that if we do all we can to love God, then God's grace will cover our sins. We can find freedom and be happy. God exists and loves us - I feel this, especially when I pray for comfort.

Hermana Bowman