Riley #3 - Beginning of MTC Birthday, TRC, and an Exciting Time
Dear Family,
Thanks for the packages and letters. I haven't received the one for my birthday yet, but it probably is already here. My district leader usually gets the mail once a day so if it doesn't come before he checks it, I get it the next day. I did get a present from Mollie though. Also, the MTC gave me a letter for my birthday.
Tuesday is our PDay, so that
was a great present as well. I received a present from Bowman and Poppop. Could you thank them for me? It was great to receive their note, and the
backpack looks like it will work well.
As for new and interesting things going on here, there really isn't that much. We have the same schedule every week, so there isn't that much new.
We had work at the TRC (Teacher Resource Center) for the first time last weekend, which was fun.
For TRC, volunteers come, and we practice teaching them. It is a lot more laid back than our normal lessons, because when we don't know a word in Chinese we can say it in English and have them help us.
For TRC, volunteers come, and we practice teaching them. It is a lot more laid back than our normal lessons, because when we don't know a word in Chinese we can say it in English and have them help us.
Everyone is excited here about the
upcoming wave of missionaries and how the MTC will accommodate them.
Elder Holland said when he spoke here, I feel like it is a particularly
exciting time to be a missionary.
Summer is apparently when the MTC is
busiest, so I think around May is when everyone will start coming.
teachers here are fantastic. They instruct us both in the language and
in better understanding the gospel and our calling. They put in a lot of
time and effort, and many of them have school on top of work.
By the way, I forgot to bring my patriarchal blessing. Could you
mail it? It should be around my dresser or in the top drawer of my
dresser, I think in an envelope.
Also, I would like addresses of people,
so I can write them. Aside from the missionaries in the ward, I would
also like Brian's and Joseph's addresses.
We are only supposed to write letters on PDay, electronic or otherwise, so I probably won't write everyone, but I would like to make sure I manage to write a few.
We are only supposed to write letters on PDay, electronic or otherwise, so I probably won't write everyone, but I would like to make sure I manage to write a few.
Love to you all,
Elder Riley Bowman