Mollie #72 - Van Obispo, Chile - Figs, About Charity
March 24, 2014
Hey Family,
What have I been up to? - my English class, teaching piano, figs, being sick. It's getting cooler here, so I guess getting sick is part of it. Ugg.
Anyway, my class keeps growing. It now has 27 students. Let's hope it keeps getting bigger. Everyone participates, and it is a lot of fun.
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I teach piano to a youth in each ward |
Figs = the best fruit on the planet. Picked these from the small garden of Eden that is hidden behind a small, secret door behind the church.
There is a small paradise back there. If this was my ward, that whole space would be utilized - but hey. It still has a handful of beautiful trees. I love these figs. Why don’t we have very many in the US? I eat them by the bucketful.
Spiritual Thought
Suffering sometimes is a good thing.
And acharity suffereth long, and is bkind, and cenvieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily dprovoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
I have been study/contemplating for the last few weeks about the harder parts of charity. We often speak of the finer and easier attributes of charity how it is love, kindness, hope, etc. However there is also a darker side to this word.
Charity suffereth long, beareth all things,
and endureth all things.
and endureth all things.
Recently, I have decided to try and lose weight. The truest and best description of a weight loss I have heard comes from Daddy. He says losing weight is self-inflicted suffering. Whether it is in big bouts or small it is a net amount of suffering. And it is true, it is bearing one pain/want (hunger) to reap a greater want (health).
And so are the things with God. we bear things that are difficult -scorn, prejudice, gossip, weariness, lost friends, the bad decisions of loved ones, etc… For the reward of something greater.
Mothers like Mimi wash the dishes, clean the house, often without any acknowledgement, because they have charity.
It, I think is one of the hardest things to explain to people who are investigating the church. Would you be willing to give up your only day off your day of peace to attend church. And would you be willing to work in the church as a teacher or in nursery, etc. We must help people gain a larger perspective. This is where the law of obedience comes in.
It's like the youth video from the African girl with a poem.
It's like the youth video from the African girl with a poem.
The blessings we obtain when we obey the laws of God are worth it.
Love you all lots,
Hermana Mollie
So like photos of the figs and Sister Bowman teaching piano.